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Facebook si trasforma, cambia nome e diventa Meta

Con un lungo post proprio ovviamente su Facebook il fondatore Mark Zuckemberg ha annunciato le trasformazioni di  Facebook verso Meta

We are at the beginning of the next chapter for the internet, and it’s the next chapter for our company too.

In recent decades, technology has given people the power to connect and express ourselves more naturally. When I started Facebook, we mostly typed text on websites. When we got phones with cameras, the internet became more visual and mobile. As connections got faster, video became a richer way to share experiences. We’ve gone from desktop to web to mobile; from text to photos to video. But this isn’t the end of the line.
The next platform will be even more immersive — an embodied internet where you’re in the experience, not just looking at it. We call this the metaverse, and it will touch every product we build.
The defining quality of the metaverse will be a feeling of presence — like you are right there with another person or in another place. Feeling truly present with another person is the ultimate dream of social technology. That is why we are focused on building this.
In the metaverse, you’ll be able to do almost anything you can imagine — get together with friends and family, work, learn, play, shop, create — as well as completely new experiences that don’t really fit how we think about computers or phones today. We made a film that explores how you might use the metaverse one day.
In this future, you will be able to teleport instantly as a hologram to be at the office without a commute, at a concert with friends, or in your parents’ living room to catch up. This will open up more opportunity no matter where you live. You’ll be able to spend more time on what matters to you, cut down time in traffic, and reduce your carbon footprint.
Think about how many physical things you have today that could just be holograms in the future. Your TV, your perfect work setup with multiple monitors, your board games and more — instead of physical things assembled in factories, they’ll be holograms designed by creators around the world.
You’ll move across these experiences on different devices — augmented reality glasses to stay present in the physical world, virtual reality to be fully immersed, and phones and computers to jump in from existing platforms. This isn’t about spending more time on screens; it’s about making the time we already spend better.
The metaverse will not be created by one company. It will be built by creators and developers making new experiences and digital items that are interoperable and unlock a massively larger creative economy than the one constrained by today’s platforms and their policies.
Our role in this journey is to accelerate the development of the fundamental technologies, social platforms and creative tools to bring the metaverse to life, and to weave these technologies through our social media apps. We believe the metaverse can enable better social experiences than anything that exists today, and we will dedicate our energy to helping achieve its potential.
As I wrote in our original founder’s letter: “we don’t build services to make money; we make money to build better services.”
This approach has served us well. We’ve built our business to support very large and long term investments to build better services, and that’s what we plan to do here.
The last five years have been humbling for me and our company in many ways. One of the main lessons I’ve learned is that building products people love isn’t enough.
I’ve gained more appreciation that the internet’s story isn’t straightforward. Every chapter brings new voices and new ideas, but also new challenges, risks, and disruption of established interests. We’ll need to work together, from the beginning, to bring the best possible version of this future to life.
Privacy and safety need to be built into the metaverse from day one. So do open standards and interoperability. This will require not just novel technical work — like supporting crypto and NFT projects in the community — but also new forms of governance. Most of all, we need to help build ecosystems so that more people have a stake in the future and can benefit not just as consumers but as creators.
This period has also been humbling because as big of a company as we are, we’ve also learned what it’s like to build on other platforms. Living under their rules has profoundly shaped my views on the tech industry. I’ve come to believe that the lack of choice for consumers and high fees for developers are stifling innovation and holding back the internet economy.
We’ve tried to take a different approach. We want our services to be accessible to as many people as possible, which means working to make them cost less, not more. Our mobile apps are free. Our ads model is designed to provide businesses the lowest prices. Our commerce tools are available at cost or with modest fees. As a result, billions of people love our services and hundreds of millions of businesses rely on our tools.
That’s the approach we want to bring to helping to build the metaverse. We plan to sell our devices at cost or subsidized to make them available to more people. We’ll continue supporting side-loading and streaming from PCs so people have choice, rather than forcing them to use the Quest Store to find apps or reach customers. And we’ll aim to offer developer and creator services with low fees in as many cases as possible so we can maximize the overall creative economy. We’ll need to make sure we don’t lose too much money along the way though.
Our hope is that within the next decade, the metaverse will reach a billion people, host hundreds of billions of dollars of digital commerce, and support jobs for millions of creators and developers.
As we embark on this next chapter, I’ve thought a lot about what this means for our company and our identity.
We’re a company that focuses on connecting people. While most tech companies focus on how people interact with technology, we’ve always focused on building technology so people can interact with each other.
Today we’re seen as a social media company. Facebook is one of the most used technology products in the history of the world. It’s an iconic social media brand.
Building social apps will always be important for us, and there’s a lot more to build. But increasingly, it’s not all we do. In our DNA, we build technology to bring people together. The metaverse is the next frontier in connecting people, just like social networking was when we got started.
Right now our brand is so tightly linked to one product that it can’t possibly represent everything we’re doing today, let alone in the future. Over time, I hope we are seen as a metaverse company, and I want to anchor our work and our identity on what we’re building towards.
We just announced that we’re making a fundamental change to our company. We’re now looking at and reporting on our business as two different segments: one for our family of apps and one for our work on future platforms. Our work on the metaverse is not just one of these segments. The metaverse encompasses both the social experiences and future technology. As we broaden our vision, it’s time for us to adopt a new brand.
To reflect who we are and the future we hope to build, I’m proud to share that our company is now Meta.
Our mission remains the same — it’s still about bringing people together. Our apps and their brands aren’t changing either. We’re still the company that designs technology around people.
But all of our products, including our apps, now share a new vision: to help bring the metaverse to life. And now we have a name that reflects the breadth of what we do.
From now on, we will be metaverse-first, not Facebook-first. That means that over time you won’t need a Facebook account to use our other services. As our new brand starts showing up in our products, I hope people around the world come to know the Meta brand and the future we stand for.
I used to study Classics, and the word “meta” comes from the Greek word meaning “beyond”. For me, it symbolizes that there is always more to build, and there is always a next chapter to the story. Ours is a story that started in a dorm room and grew beyond anything we imagined; into a family of apps that people use to connect with one another, to find their voice, and to start businesses, communities, and movements that have changed the world.
I’m proud of what we’ve built so far, and I’m excited about what comes next — as we move beyond what’s possible today, beyond the constraints of screens, beyond the limits of distance and physics, and towards a future where everyone can be present with each other, create new opportunities and experience new things. It is a future that is beyond any one company and that will be made by all of us.
We have built things that have brought people together in new ways. We’ve learned from struggling with difficult social issues and living under closed platforms. Now it is time to take everything we’ve learned and help build the next chapter.
I’m dedicating our energy to this — more than any other company in the world. If this is the future you want to see, I hope you’ll join us. The future is going to be beyond anything we can imagine.

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Intersections raduna a Milano il mondo del marketing, della comunicazione e della creatività

Dall’unione di IAB Forum e IF! Italians Festival nasce Intersections, il più grande evento in Italia dedicato al mondo del marketing, della comunicazione e della creatività che si svolge a Allianz Mico a Milano il 29 ec 30 ottobre 2024.

IAB Italia, ADCI e UNA hanno deciso di realizzare il primo grande evento sistemico per rispondere in modo compatto all’evoluzione e alle sfide della industry in questo particolare momento storico, guidato anche dalla grande discontinuità dell’Intelligenza Artificiale.

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Google è monopolista secondo il Dipartimento di giustizia USA. Ora potrebbe esserci il suo spezzatino

Un documento presentato al giudice federale degli USA Amit Mehta ha portato alla decisione di sanzionare Google per attività monopolistiche. La causa, promossa dal Dipartimento di Giustizia (DOJ) e diversi stati, sostiene che Google abbia usato il proprio potere di mercato in modo anticompetitivo, impedendo ad altre aziende di competere nel settore della ricerca online e dei servizi digitali.

Il giudice Mehta ha valutato le prove contro Google riguardo a vari accordi esclusivi con produttori di dispositivi e sviluppatori di browser che garantiscono a Google di essere il motore di ricerca predefinito su milioni di dispositivi. Questa esclusività ha reso quasi impossibile per i rivali ottenere una significativa quota di mercato, contribuendo a consolidare il monopolio di Google. Il DOJ, insieme agli avvocati generali di diversi stati, ha contestato che Google abbia illegalmente monopolizzato il mercato della ricerca e della pubblicità online attraverso accordi con aziende come Apple e Samsung per mantenere il proprio motore di ricerca come opzione predefinita su diversi dispositivi.

Il cuore dell’accusa riguarda gli “accordi esclusivi” di Google, che hanno portato all’accumulo di circa il 90% delle ricerche online e all’88% del mercato della pubblicità testuale, ostacolando i concorrenti dal punto di vista degli investimenti e dell’innovazione. Il DOJ ha dimostrato che Google paga ingenti somme per diventare il motore di ricerca predefinito, ad esempio su dispositivi Apple, scoraggiando il cambiamento di provider da parte degli utenti e limitando le scelte disponibili al consumatore.

La sentenza non prevede danni economici, ma un’ingiunzione che potrebbe includere misure per impedire a Google di continuare accordi esclusivi di default o addirittura obbligare l’azienda a separare il business della ricerca da altre operazioni come Android e Chrome.

Questo caso rappresenta un passo storico per l’antitrust negli Stati Uniti, simile al processo Microsoft degli anni ‘90, e potrebbe aprire la strada a nuove regolamentazioni per altri giganti della tecnologia, tra cui Apple e Amazon, anch’essi sotto scrutinio legale per pratiche anti-competitive.

Il Governo ha raccomandato che Google deve cambiare il suo modello per riaprire il mercato dei motori di ricerca e dei servizi digitali alla concorrenza con possibili cambiamenti strutturali, un termine che molti osservatori intendono con una scissione ovvero con uno spezzatino.

Un team legale specializzato del Dipartimento di Giustizia degli Stati Uniti (DOJ), affiancato da esperti in regolamentazione antitrust e tecnologia, sta lavorando a una serie di raccomandazioni per il giudice federale Amit Mehta. La proposta del DOJ include sia rimedi comportamentali che strutturali per affrontare l’impatto monopolistico di Google. I rimedi in valutazione spaziano da restrizioni su accordi preinstallati con produttori di dispositivi, all’accesso dei concorrenti ai dati di ricerca, fino alla potenziale separazione di parti dell’azienda per ripristinare la concorrenza nel settore dividendo Chrome, Google Play Store e il sistema operativo mobile Android dal search.

Questa prima versione delinea una serie di strade per la riforma, tra cui l’obbligo per Google di rendere accessibili i dati e i modelli di programmazione utilizzati per generare risultati tramite il suo motore di ricerca. Il Dipartimento di Giustizia sta anche valutando la possibilità di chiedere al giudice di vietare a Google di utilizzare o conservare i dati che si rifiuta di condividere con società terze.

Google ha dichiarato che intende appellarsi alla decisione, sottolineando che le accuse ignorano i benefici offerti ai consumatori dal loro motore di ricerca. Le fasi successive del processo potrebbero determinare cambiamenti significativi non solo per Google ma per l’intera industria tecnologica, influenzando l’accessibilità e la concorrenza nei mercati digitali anche in Europa e negli altri continenti.

Negli ultimi dieci anni, Google ha accumulato 8,25 miliardi di euro di multe dalle istituzioni antitrust dell’Unione europea che  riguardano tra gli altri il suo sistema operativo mobile Android e il servizio pubblicitario AdSense.

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Sabato 26 Ottobre 2024 torna il Linux Day

Sabato 26 Ottobre 2024 torna il Linux Day: la principale manifestazione italiana dedicata al software libero, la cultura aperta ed alla condivisione promosso da Italian Linux Society e supportato da GARR.

Il Linux Day nasce nel 2001 come appuntamento annuale per riunire le forze di tutte le persone attiviste nel movimento del software libero, dell’open source, ed in particolare di Linux. Proponiamo una rete di eventi decentralizzati in tutta Italia, organizzati autonomamente da gruppi di persone volontarie e appassionate. È il più grande evento italiano sul tema con migliaia di visitatori.  L’accesso al Linux Day è libero e gratuito.

Il Linux Day di Torino si svolge al  Collegio degli Artigianelli  in Corso Palestro 14 nel pomeriggio di Sabato 26 Ottobre.

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